Photographs by Shanna Fisher
Brought up in the fashion and music worlds as a stylist and muse, Karen Lord- Pilates personal trainer, studio owner, and fitness model, is bridging the worlds of fashion and fitness privately training NYC’s fashion and music elite, downtown scenesters and anyone willing to commit to major physical change and personal evolution. Her new studio nestled away in the Meatpacking district is a gem, a private haven appointed with all the accoutrement you’d expect from a major Pilates studio, but her off beat character prevails with mid- century furnishings, a Helmut Newton Print of her naked hero- Grace Jones and a leopard print rug. Her favorite workout gear? Alexander Wang and Rick Owens, but it’s not all rock and roll- this girl is classically trained in the Pilates method and takes strength training and body sculpting very seriously- just with an irreverent kindness and humor she feels has been lacking in the Pilates scene. She’s intuitive with the human body and encourages you to listen to your own- believing in emotional anatomy, meaning the feelings make the physical- all the while getting her beloved clients in serious shape with ass- kicking 55 minute tough love sessions. She swears you’ll see changes in your body by the third session with her. We believe the Lord. (Shanna Fisher)
Karen Lord Pilates / for information and session inquiries/ 350 W 14th St- by appointment only.